Naturally Organic

The concept and idea for Taste New Zealand started when our Founder Anthony’s (Tony) father, David Williams owned and operated an organic Macadamia nut farm in the Far North, Hokianga New Zealand. His Dad’s packaging brand was “Nuts in the Hokianga” and the nuts were just incredible, large, buttery, soft and full of nourishment from organic coastal farming; and there was absolutely nothing like it on the planet. The nuts were larger than other brands and full of flavour. His Father produced a variety of assortments like natual, milk and dark Chocolate.

Tony, at the time living in Los Angeles, was interested in introducing his dad’s product to the world. However, David reluctantly declined as he wouldn’t have been able to meet the potential of a global or US market.

Today, following the initial concept, Taste New Zealand brings the best of New Zealand products, produced in naturally organic habitats into the global market. Taste New Zealand is a broker helping New Zealand producers merge and grow their product into international markets.

The picture to the left is Tony’s Dad’s getting protection from the sudden rain under the macadamia nut trees. New Zealand climates are constantly changing from sunny to rain flourishing the lands naturally.

Anthony (Tony) Williams

Anthony is a native Kiwi from Gisborne and the Bay of Islands. He worked in senior positions at some of the top rated and most popular Auckland (NZ) and London UK hospitality brands in the 1990’s, before settling down in Los Angeles as a technology Cloud entrepreneur in 2000 where he founded a leading MSP and Cloud company called Global IT Along with his path, he began an importing company in 2001 named Kiwi Products which focused on the highest and freshest quality New Zealand lamb for “Mr. Lamb” in Los Angeles where Kiwi Products was importing weekly airfreight and monthly sea freight containers serving Los Angeles lamb restaurateurs with quality New Zealand products.

As an avid and constant problem solver, Anthony’s taste for the best out life has driven him to source the highest quality, pure and organic products for himself and family.

Taste New Zealand provides a way for Anthony and his wife Jayme to share the best and many qualities from these amazing lands.

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© TasteNZ 2018